How to Stop Reliving Past “Mistakes”

How to Stop Reliving Past “Mistakes”

First of all, let me suggest that there are no such things as "mistakes," only lessons. Taking a job that feels unsatisfying or even torturous does not have to be viewed as a mistake - it can be a lesson that we want something different for our lives. Or dating...

9 Hobbies That Can Help Decrease Anxiety

9 Hobbies That Can Help Decrease Anxiety

Many of my patients find that with the demands of parenting, work, and family life that they don't have many hobbies that are their own. Or their anxiety tells them they shouldn't pursue hobbies because there are too many other "shoulds" to focus on. What follows are...

9 Myths About Anxiety Debunked

9 Myths About Anxiety Debunked

Do you feel like you’re struggling with too many worries? Do they interfere with your sleep and keep you from enjoying the life you deserve? If so, know that you’re not alone! Millions of people in our country are stressed out and worry needlessly. Because of this...

How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

Self-sabotaging beliefs are insidious thoughts that tell you that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are not worthy of success. I see self-sabotaging beliefs all the time in my patients, as it (self-sabotage) often goes hand-in-hand with anxiety. These beliefs...

9 Healthy Tips to Help Cope with Anxiety

9 Healthy Tips to Help Cope with Anxiety

If you struggle with anxiety on a daily basis, you may find yourself using unhealthy methods, such as alcohol, overeating, or over-exercising, to cope with it. These are not the best approaches, so what is? Consider These Strategies for Anxiety 1. Deep breathing...