Thoughts are New Plants

I have a baby milkweed plant in my garden. This is my third attempt at growing milkweed – the first two times, the plant died back, most likely because I did not tend it well. 

Young transplants need lots of care and attention until they firmly take root in the soil.  Before, I probably didn’t shade them from the sun appropriately or ensure that they had plenty of water. So they didn’t survive. 

This time, I have watered the tiny plant daily and have been more conscientious about the amount of sunlight it receives.  And here it is, proudly sticking out of the soil, leaves green and perky, its roots strongly taking hold in the earth.

Tending the Plants

When we practice new self-talk, it is much like tending to a baby plant.  

It’s one thing to say to ourselves once, “I’m the best mother I can be,” or “I love and accept myself,” or “I have the right to set boundaries.”  That’s like me planting my milkweed and never checking on it again.

Most likely, those new baby thoughts will just wither and die, and you’ll be left with what was there before… weeds.

But when you water those thoughts, protect them, nurture them, and love them, they take root and grow into beautiful mature plants.

What baby plants are you growing in your mental garden? Are you giving them enough TLC?

Therapy can help.

If you’re a motivated, working mom in Kentucky who is ready to have the garden of your dreams but need help with nourishing your positive self-talk, then my 1:1 therapy program is for you. Hit this link to schedule a free consult call, and let’s get growing.

To read more about how to incorporate positive self-talk into your daily practice, click here.